Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, June 17, 2023
The Father Does Not Abandon His Church!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of June 12, 2023

I am Yahweh!
Holy is the Lord, God of the Universe!!!
Beloved children, with all of Myself I come to plead with you for conversion.
The time of great sorrows for this Humanity has come, do not toil for the things of this world: soon they will be no more, provide instead for the salvation of your soul. Pray to your Father in Heaven, O men, abandon yourselves to His Will, turn away from the things of the world! The God of Eternal Love is at His intervention: let Him find you ready to take you into Himself.
The New Age is about to make its entrance!
My children, do not err, do not remain in your ego! Provide in all humility for the observance of God's Commandments! Return to Him who can do all things, He is your Creator, your only Good! Untie yourselves from the devil's bonds, O men, do not be entangled in his evil, your God calls you to urgent repentance, be vigilant, waver no longer, the world has fallen into Satan's miserable hands: renounce his seductions! Take the Holy Rosary in your hands and united with Mary Most Holy, plead for the Father's mercy. The Earth will continue to shake more strongly, volcanoes will erupt in unison, the seas will rise, the mountains will break through: where will you go to lay your head if you are far from your true God? Satan wants your end, he is dragging you to Hell!!!
Wake up! Put remedy in you, heal your heart in God the savior. The sun is at its eruption! The earth will remain in darkness! A great black-out will come, and those who have not heeded Heaven's promptings will be displaced. An icy cold will follow and envelop the whole Earth. Pray, Oh men, return to your Creator God, ask for His help. Do not despise His appeals: see to it that you set yourselves in the direction of salvation. The great prelate is coming: his intervention is in the Hands of God!
The Father does not abandon His Church!
Be faithful to the True Magisterium of the Church Oh men, seek the Things of God! A great roar is about to invest this Planet, ... a new dawn will come. Amen!
Source: ➥